It is big and it is heavy.

With 400mm diameter it is a classic 15”. Certainly one of the best low frequency drivers currently in production. High efficiency, 96 dB minimum and resonant frequency 26Hz makes it a top league player.

On the photo the measurements of this particular piece.

Paper cone and cloth suspension.

Manufactured by hand it relates to the classic drivers being manufactured long time ago in America. A system using GMF 400 will be certainly unique. It is ideal to be applied in a woofer. Fortunately there is plenty of designs available in the net to name only Altec or G.A. Briggs. It can be also put in a simple open baffle.
To be paired with a horn or full range driver – the only limitation is your imagination ☺We have already a project in the pipeline, where this beast will be used. Maybe even not one…

technical data