It started here
Several months passed and we have another iteration of the 300B tube amplifier. There were different configurations along the road, like for example this one:

which served as a base for final topology. This way is was born a pre production prototype that I would like to show.

The most important feature comparing to the previous versions is a division of the amplifier in two separate sections. The power supply works separately of the signal amplification section. We leave the details of construction for the final product description.

You can see on the pictures the small fullrange monitors I am working on currently. They work well with Korba 300Bi – the name given to the amplifier. 95 dB sensitivity of the loudspeakers and a few Watts of the amplifier fit together very well.

At the end of May another Lenco Meet takes place in Beauvechain, so among other gear I take this amp an monitors to get a feedback from friends. To be continued…