Supravox is a business with long dated experience with full range drivers with paper membranes. Their drivers are appreciated by the enthusiasts of natural sound not only in France, but in many countries especially in United States and Japan. The loudspeakers are currently manufactured in Bléré, ca 240 km South East from Paris. Each manufactured unit passes individual measurements, to check the consistency of parameters. Because it is very difficult to maintain strictly identical parameters with each unit, they are matched in pairs by the closest parameters, in order to obtain similar sound in left and right channels in ready to use loudspeakers. A parameters print out is included to each pair of matched drivers.
Supravox 215 S BicThe loudspeakers technical design was successful from the very beginning. In 1964 French Radio and Television were looking for fullrange loudspeakers to equip their studios. They chose Supravox 21cm drivers, which thereafter were named 215 RTF 64. The models being currently in production are their successors with slight modifications and improvement. Thanks to this experience and obstinacy to manufacture under old well proven recipes, in a world where almost rocket science tec

hnology is usedto produce speakers, we can enjoy beautiful sound with very linear frequency response in almost all audible range. And finally, the build quality is so good, that Supravox gives lifetime warranty for production faults.
So I came, I listened and I chose :)